Is There Anything Else?

by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Dec 31, 2006

Once you find love
You find the world
When he's your boy
And you're his girl

There's nothing else
That makes you smile
When that boy has your hand
And makes life worth while

I know there's nothing else
That I possibly need
Because I found that boy
And he found me

You don't need a nice house
And you don't need money
You don't need anything else
Because he makes life funny

There's nothing else I need
Because I have the love of my life
Here's perfect and loving
And he makes everything right

I love this boy with all my heart
And we'll always be together
Is there anything else I really need
Since I'll have him forever

(Just a quick poem I wrote for Jake :). Not my best but....comments?)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Yulie

    I love it sooo true lol Jake is so lucky to have you! lol 5/5