Would You Love Me Then?

by morgan   Dec 31, 2006

If I had straight blond hair and big blue eyes
If I always had a smile and I never cried
Would you love me then?
If I was a preppy cheerleader with perfect grades
If I was that girl in school any guy could lay
Would you love me then?
If I partied hard and stayed out late
If I was the one that every girl loved to hate
Would you love me then?
I\'ve done it all, tried every trick in the book
You\'ve never given me a second look
You still don\'t love me


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  • 16 years ago

    by Im not broken anymore

    EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELENT!!! This is my favorite... But ya you shouldnt change for anyone if they dont like you for you them screw em its there lose they can find someone else

  • 16 years ago

    by Melinda

    I love this poem. I feel the same way sometimes. Guys really want that perfect girl. But that girl is just so unrealistic. Keep writing you'll suprise yourself.

  • 17 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    It sounds as if you did all those things you wouldn't be you. Let your life breath and take time to smell the roses like they say..You never know what you will find when you're not looking. Peace

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