Internally Broken

by Tammie   Jan 1, 2007

With a broken heart
And an empty hand
No one beside me
Alone I shall stand

Holding back the tears
It's too much to take
I'm losing my mind
From all this heartbreak

But hide it I must
I wont show the pain
Internally broken
Shattered heart again

No mascara lines
Streaming down my face
Sympathy not wanted
It's simply not the case

The pain is on the inside
And that's where it will stay
My love lost forever
On this fateful day.

* Written for a contest*


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  • 18 years ago

    by MyDevotion

    Woa this one had me going from the start! i thougth considering you started it so strong it may fade off but you finished nicely 5/5 absolutly! =)

  • 18 years ago

    by LuvLyLynn

    Wow! i know what you mean...i love this poem a lot..i like the imagery and the have talent and thank you for sharing it with us...keep up the great job :)...5/5 thanks for commenting on mine...

  • 18 years ago

    by lala

    I love this one! I'm adding it to my scrapbook! :] 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    This is a also a really sad poem. It again was emotion packed, with emotian in every stanza. The flow was excellent, and good words used. One thing in both your poems, that i think you should of used is punctualtion. Dont get me wronge its a great peom, but i thought it would of been even better with punctuation in. Still enjoyable peaces of writing, keet them up and i do look forward to reading more. xx

  • 18 years ago

    by Bryan

    This is a very good poem tammie, loved the flow, i especially like the 2nd stanza, i give it a 5/5!!! keep it up!!!!