New year

by the pale queen of the silent night   Jan 2, 2007

New year

New year is here with a new beginning
With it comes another start
2006 brought many hardship
Many death, and disaster
That left so many vagrant, wet eyed, and forlorn

2006 was a year that
Many felt that god was angry with his creation
And an end to the world was near

2007 is promising another paradise
Another land with another dream
Lets all pray to god
That with this new year may be born another kind of joy
One that none has experienced in long time
And that it will bring a smile upon every lips
And be a fruitful year.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Bhavin

    Hi Farah,

    Don't mind but personally I feel you can write better than this.

  • 17 years ago

    by David Wallace

    Dont 4get your s's in your sentences. Fair poem but I couldnt overlook the lack of plural presence in your sentences. Instead of every lips use every face. Put s's at the end of hardship, death, and disaster.

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