One little lie

by my name is Llama   Jan 2, 2007

One little lie that's all it takes
To cover up something so big
And a lot of past mistakes
Things that can never be erased

A lie told often enough becomes the truth
You start to feel like it never happened
That thing that took away your whole youth
The one thing you can never get back

To come out and say what really went wrong
Seems further than the impossible
The truth just does not belong
So this must stay with me for the rest of my life

Maybe when I'm older it will all go away
But how old is old enough
All I can think of is today
Yesterday must be left in the past

So on I live
Day after day
I must survive this
With my own little secret that will never go away


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  • 17 years ago

    by Trouble

    Very nice

  • 18 years ago

    by kittykat0232

    I loved this poem!!!!!!!!! i know what it feels like to tell one little lie, to hide one big secret!

  • 18 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    Ok i have no clue where to send you an email so i'll just say part of it here, my depression has gottin worse,i can't even tlak to my friends anymore i just can't find my words or reasons to talk with them and now there all getting mad and always asking why don't you talk with me anymroe,and i saying i can't explain it cuz i can't and they get more mad or frusterated,my moms all weird again with her bi-polar and my dads horrible with his anger my sis and bro won't stop either,i started cutting again,i'm a mess failing almost every class i have and exams are next week. . . i don't know where to go for help anymore,i don't know if i should start taking prozac i'm scared it's going to make me someone eles, i need help and i've asked for it but no one seems to know what kind of help to give

  • 18 years ago

    by steve

    Ok now dont you see??? thats not fair cause we didnt get told the secret, however i think i know what happened but anyways great write 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Wow this poem was way good!!!! the flow and emotions were great. i can kinda relate to this...i just loved it. thanks again so much for reading that poem for me..i really appreciate it. take care:) 5/5