
by ABake   Jan 2, 2007

Girl-People don't see me the way you do.
But that\'s ok because you don\'t want to share.
But they way they treat me is unfair.

Girl-People don\'t see YOU the way I do.
But that\'s okay because I don\'t want to share.
But I think the way they treat you is unfair.

Boy- People think your stuck up.
But I love you so.
Maybe it\'s you they should try and get to know.

Girl-They think you are annoying.
But I think your sweet.
They think you are stupid.
But yet you sweep me off my feet.

Boy-Your not stuck up, just a little high class.
Your caring to.
But they don\'t take time to see the real you.
Only I do.

Girl-Yeah sometimes you are annoying.
But, your loving to.
But, they don\'t see that for I\'m the only one loving you.

Boy-People hate you.
Only because the real you, you don\'t let show.
But baby it\'s there fault that you, they don\'t know.

Both-The things they say about both of us, are very untrue.
But oh well, Cause baby that\'s not going to stop me from loving you.!

..::Don\'t really have a title, so suggestions would be appreciated..::


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  • 18 years ago

    by haley mcclure

    I really like this one. its very unique in the way you wrote it. great job! =]