Religion's place

by Sarah   Jan 2, 2007

Shaded with a sinful hue
Religion haunts the shadows
The tune of light we dance to
Grasping at our throats
It plays the part of off key notes

When battle lines are drawn
We all stray from truth
Theres conflict in the song
Blood, words, trials, fears
Hate, hurt, battles, tears
It's been going on for many years

Humble people, well informed
Rescue those who aren't
Save my generation from themselves
Take their minds from darwin's shelves
Breathe your love into our hearts God!
Cut religion from the system
Replace it with the truth


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  • 18 years ago

    by ShootingStar179

    Religion haunts the shadows

    your meaning is very very jumbled. Are you Christian or atheist?

    I just don't know.


  • 18 years ago

    by Garrett Luchaco

    I like it, it gets a good point across. I think... I'm not actually sure what Religion and Darwin have to do with each other.. You'll have to explain this poem to me sometime.