For the Love of Sin

by Hear You Me   Jan 2, 2007

Anger, pride, lust, sloth,
envy, greed and glutony.

within this world exists seven venomous faults,
the seven deadly sins,
against these flaws we cannot revolt,
for dismay to neither succumb nor win;
anger feels diminished when directed at someone,
yet is the worst wrath to unvail,
and pride raises self worth until doubt is gone,
yet pride goeth before a very long fall,
lust can be fun, but when it is done,
unfulfillment can be very comsuming,
sloth is like mutiny - responsibility is shunned,
but is much more complying when labour is looming,
envy and greed are intensly similar,
they duplicately desire what they do not own,
this proves to be a colosal mar,
as they just demand more and more,
glutony, in a way, is similar to greed,
it has has a constant need to satisfy,
so to each of these guilts we much take heed,
to the sweet and sour sins we must moderately defy.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Rebekah

    Hey Ginnie...this is the poem that you was on about the other day init? its real good.