
by Danni   Jan 3, 2007

He thinks that she's always gonna cheat,
that will soon be their one defeat,
why can't she wake from her deep dark slumber....because she's dead,
she's killed herself for the things she used to wonder,
she always thought that no one cared,
when really everyone was willing to be there,
so now she takes the razor blade to her wrist,
thinking of the last time they kissed,
as she lays there on her bedroom floor...waiting for death to come,
feeling all numb,
she quietly whispers what have I done,
it's all his fault now that she's gone,
because in their relationship she had been the pawn,
nobody knew how sad she used to be,
not even me...and ya know what the sad thing is...she's me!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Emma

    Awww this is saddd :(...but its really gooddd:) nice job

  • 18 years ago

    by celi

    Hey danny! that's a really nice poem! sad, of course, but i really liked it! i especially liked the end (where u reveal you're talking about yourself), it's really a surprise to the reader! :p anyway 5/5 from me! and by the way, thanks for commenting on my poem! celi ****