Time hurts

by JaMeS   Jan 3, 2007

No ones there forever,
everyone leaves at one point or another,
i know that,
we all know that,
i know, you know they'll leave,
we just don't know when,
why do people have to leave,
do they leave because they have to
like its in their destiny,
or simply because life is there to be lived
and here with us just isn't good enough,
only worth a short term visit,
should we leave,
could we leave,
i doubt it,
even if we could where would we go,
who would we become,
would we become one of the users,
moving around crumbleing others,
is it our destiny to change,
no one stays forever
time heals
time changes
time forgets,
and yet time with all its power
doesn't let us change and leave,
or fix others to stay,
yet makes sure no ones forever, only regret.


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  • 17 years ago

    by WiNgS Of StEeL

    Wow,.....i liek this poem too..its full of poewerfull emtions and lots of thoughts that make yu wonder..well it did me lol