Cover The Lies

by Mommy And Me   Jan 3, 2007

Cover The Lies

Painting colours onto her porcelain skin
She covers up her once childish beauty
Now of bruises and painful blemishes
She rubs new skin over her own

Purple and Blue she smothers her eye lids
Covering the black from the night before
Lining her eyes in a midnight blue
Making a shadow, covering up lies

Stoking on some chestnut brown
Making her lashes fuller then ever
Watching the mirror as her reflection changes
Her eyes now set for a night of false smiles

Placing peach satin onto her colourless cheeks
Another attempt to swathe some of the lies
Soothing some sparkles over her face
For people to smile at her well designed glamour

Caressing her lips in Cherry Red number 502
And putting on gloss, oh how they shine
Another step to being damb sexy
Going to the direction where lies are beauty

Staring into the mirror she pastes on a smile
Necklace, earrings and her 2 inch heals
Covering lies and tending her wounds
She steps to the streets, and kisses the night


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    Wow.. I really love the reality within your poems. Like how you are very descriptive when you right like "Cherry Red number 502" It gives the poem a nice effect. I think my favorite part of the whole poem would have to be the ending. It was a very good way to end this poem. Great job on this! 5/5 Keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Very well done, you may have side covering the lies, a bit too much, but other than that. I liked it.
    Making a shadow, coving up lies
    In that line shouldn't it be covering?
    Just a typo.

    I like how you listed the lipstick number. I think that added great effect to your poem!
    Congrats on winning!

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Wow.. you have talent for taking such simple things and making them into a poem.. i love it.. this is the best poem ive read by you so far and i especially love this line

    "Her eyes now set for a night of false smiles"

    idk why lol

  • 18 years ago

    by aDORKable x3

    Great poem! I had to read it because you said that it was inspired by my two! thanks for all the great comments!! =]

    ♥ Ciao