Comments : Escaping the Cycle

  • 18 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    Well, well, well... lol. This one was very well written, as I have told you. Great everything. Good work. 5.0/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Ironic Allure

    ^ is she your happy friend? k.

    don't be sad. i wanna sleep with common people.

  • 18 years ago

    by limp

    Jeffrey says:i was creepy once.

    jeffrey says:then i pulled my pants back up, and it was over
    jeffrey says:i was creepy once.

    jeffrey says:then i pulled my pants back up, and it was over
    jeffrey says:i was creepy once.

    jeffrey says:then i pulled my pants back up, and it was over
    jeffrey says:i was creepy once.

    jeffrey says:then i pulled my pants back up, and it was over
    jeffrey says:i was creepy once.

    jeffrey says:then i pulled my pants back up, and it was over
    jeffrey says:i was creepy once.

    jeffrey says:then i pulled my pants back up, and it was over
    jeffrey says:i was creepy once.

    jeffrey says:then i pulled my pants back up, and it was over

    i have nothing to say, when i do
    i'll give you a vaguely decent comment on this.

    the song you're getting is like being happy in your pants. k?
    it's like thinking about hot girls, and doing them. k?
    it's like all the best things you've imagined, put into a song, k?k.

  • 18 years ago

    by limp

    It's all about me.

    that better? now you tell me.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jess

    Jeffrey....this poem is amazing and i love it...i especially love it cuz i can relate to it majorly (hehe)....but you will get a big comment soon on why i really really really love it...
    yeah i know i over used "love it"

  • 18 years ago

    by Jess

    Okay so here's my opinion:

    first section:
    "praying that last night would not be repeated
    felt no winds of change, not even a breeze"
    -i like this part a lot....i just really do...i cannot really comment on this section too much, except that i like it and it is very emotional and very personal to you

    section two: you amaze me
    "just new found serrated edges on my soul
    crafted to pierce delicate skin"
    -like you already know these are my favorite lines of the poem.....the image it give me gives me goose bumps...i can see "your hazardous soul" hehe j/k....i can invision the contrast between a sharp, dangerous soul and the gentle, innocent skin of someone else....very good jeffness
    - there is also something about this section i really really like....and i couldnt figure it out...but i finally did....except for the first line, each line has 8 syllables.....i don't know if you meant it....but it makes that section easy and ejoyable to read

    section three: well i have a biased opinion on this section, bacause i know the person it is talking about very well ;-)
    -but desides that i must say it is my favorite section....the word choice is perfect...each word is nicely placed and belongs,.... sometimes when a person wants a line to say something specific, a word is awkwardly placed in, and they have no other choice....but i dont see that in this section at all....your word choice is creative and allows this section to flow from one line to the next very well
    -its also another powerful and emotional section

    section four: great ending jeffrey, it has a little mystery, a little bit of unsurity of what is going to happen next.....its left to interpretation and imagination
    - when i read this poem, the tone/mood/rhythym i read it in, changes in this section.....its as if you switch from story, reflection, thinking thinking about yourself and what is to come and how it confuses you.. i like that
    -i think this section flows very very very rhymes very easily making it beautiful to read

    so summary:
    I LOVE THIS POEM. it is one of my favorites. this one is a little different from the rest. in others your word choice and the way they are written, allow several intepretations to be taking from them, and allow people to relate the poems to themselves. in this one it seemed/was very straight forward, and not left to much interpretation, except for the end.... in the others, before you explained your thinking behind them, i had 2 or 3 interpretations for each peom, but this one the interpretation i had, was the same as what you explained to me. sometimes that isnt a good thing, but i think in this case, it made the poem very good. it flows very well, rhymes nicely, the word choice is excellent. it is very emotional and it just gets better every time i read it. really nice job jeffness, keep em coming

    pee ess- sorry about writing this like one of my rambling e-mails, but you like them so hopefully you dont mind.

    pee ess ess- second freaking time i wrote this better send

  • 18 years ago

    by Jess

    Told you it was long :-)

  • 18 years ago

    by Jonathan

    Reminded me of me in high school.Great Job

  • 18 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    Reminds me of how I feel most of the time. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Jess

    So you haven't gotten a comment in a while, and it might make you sad cuz its not someone saying how good your poem is (which it should be cuz it is good)....but hopefully you will smile because it is from me......when are you gonna work on another poem? i'm ready to give another huuuuge comment ....of course only if i like gonna work on one too, but I haven't seen my inspiration much this past week ;-)....when auditions are over we are hanging out more okay?...k good hehe

  • 18 years ago

    by Jess

    I think our eyes look pretty good together dont you?.....hehe.......better than my tinyiny....haha....i cant wait until your next poem.....i was thinking.......we could do a back and forth story and you can still work on the poem....or maybe we can just continue our story.....oh and we need to do one together....and post it on both of our you do one line and i do one.....but it will be obvious who did what line....itll be like "one really good line, one crappy line, one really good line, one crappy line".....yeah you get it....but either way i wanna comment another poem....mwah

  • 18 years ago

    by limp

    Mk. i'm watching Girl interrupted. mum recorded it for me ;| but we missed the beginning. it'sk. kinda seems like a poor version of one flew over the cuckoo's nest but it's still k. bye

  • 18 years ago

    by Jess

    Right so you signed off again....cuz you like to torture i will tell you here....
    I'm thinking about taking my last poem off....atleast till i fix was just something I did really quick that morning and I didn't even have my eyes just seems really simple and choppy....I like the subject and the things I say....but I want to say it in a better way.
    that picture still makes me smile. hehe

  • 18 years ago

    by limp

    Ner :D

  • 17 years ago

    by Jess


  • 17 years ago

    by Jess

    I just wanna restate that this is one of my favorite poems.....kk thanks

  • 17 years ago

    by Jess

    Okay so i have decided. time for a new poem. get working on it. ooooh!! i just remembered i have to add to our poem! ooops :-S.
    hope you are having fun at nana's and poppy's. (if you can call my grandmom nana, i can call yours poppy)

  • 17 years ago

    by Jess

    Im really sorry for being loud
    and waking you up from your deep sleep
    while you were dreaming of flying through clouds
    i shouldnt have been making a peep
    my mommy called and i forgot
    that you could hear every word i said
    so grumpy liked it not
    that i made him get out of bed

    jefferson you are so freaking sweet
    and you make me laugh and smile a lot
    the stuff you say is really neat
    and when i ask you sing on the spot
    you'll always be able to make me giggle
    because its what you can so easily do
    when im pinned on the ground ill squirm and wiggle
    because when it comes to wrestling ill manage to beat you!

    i hope you get so see velvet revolver
    and i hope scotty wears something other than a cowboy suit
    but something a little less revealing than in slither
    something that will make me go "woot woot"
    this summer is gonna be a lot of fun
    and i don't wanna hear any objections
    what better lighting than the light of the sun
    cuz you know i dont listen to rejection

    last night you made my head really big
    in so many more ways than just one
    you're "uber" goofy and wicked silly
    dont worry this cheesiness is almost done
    im excited to find my happy place
    your a perfect finish to this stressful week
    when i close my eyes at night i see your face
    and you watch my smile stretch to its peak!

    the know that was the best poem in the world.....super complex.....and flowed so perfectly!

  • 17 years ago

    by Jess

    After your oh so amazing concert with the oh so sexy scotty i demand you immediately begin working on a poem. because i like your poems. and it has been forever and a day since you have written one. feel better marshmellow head.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jess

    Okay babe sooo.....we need to finish our poem so we can post it!!!!!!! sorry to be junking up your comments with my random thoughts. but it was about a poem so i thought it was only appropriate. <3