Broken Knot

by Mommy And Me   Jan 3, 2007

Broken Knots

Sleeves wet with tears
Sheets stained with paint
Smears of black run down her face
Oh what has she become?

Another screaming match
Echoing through the house
One knows better then the other
But yet they’re both so very wrong

The true bond of sisterhood
Tied up with a knot
One so tight no one can break it
Yet just above the rope is breaking

She is hanging by a thread
Hanging with a hope
That some day soon
Things will be of smiles

The knot of sister hood will prevail
But the two ropes intertwined
Could snap undone any day
As time wears it down

Her sleeves are wet with tears
As the final thread has broke
Her once known sister, has slashed it
And laughed as she disappeared

Laughed as she fell to darkness
With cheeks stained sapphire
And sleeves wet with tears


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  • 17 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    The true bond of sisterhood = The true bond of a sisterhood

    That some day soon
    Things will be of smiles =
    That some day soon she'll be rescued
    that she'll never let go. Try to remember that syllabication is important.

    This poem does not seem finished.

    I'm not sure about this poem... The poem overall is OK, but it isn't GOOD.... It's just... not there for me and I'm not sure why. Obviously, the poems come from your heart and I suppose that i shouldn't be judgemental but i think you need to focus on giving your poems flow. Make each line the same syllable count as the others.

    OK poem,
    ~Stephen White

  • 18 years ago

    by aDORKable x3

    What a sad poem! made me want to cry... Congrats on first place, you earned it! =]

  • 18 years ago

    by Milo

    Lol i love this poem and definitely the title

  • 18 years ago

    by XxChelseaXx

    I really liked this poem. you made my favorites!