by e LIZ a beth
Freeking the best poem i have ever read!!! i love it!!! its amazing. |
by Cindy
You have sumed this up perfectly. I know this pain first hand. The descrption you gave is perfect. I really think you did an excellent job on this! 5/5 Take Care Cindy |
by Cindy
You have sumed this up perfectly. I know this pain first hand. The descrption you gave is perfect. I really think you did an excellent job on this! 5/5 Take Care Cindy |
by Dana
Very nice, the short lines make this poem really intense and emotional. It flows so well that you can barely notice the rhyme...which is a good thing! Also your diction was perfect, sometimes in these types of poems the author goes over the top, but this one seemed so natural, therefore making it all the more enjoyable to read and relate to! 5/5 |
by Kylie
I loved this, it was very deep and really sumed everythin up. And the shorts lines made the flow go quickly and didn't make it drag on as some poems do. All in all, it was great! |
by Mommy And Me
You have put into words what so many people can not. this poem was wonderfully written and i wouldn't change a thing, the structure of the poem is exelent for the mood of the poem. and it hits hard to home for so many people. (lol i judged it in my contest) |
Tears are falling, |
Wow, this was very intense, and true. I liked the short lines, it got ot the point without much else in the way, great work. |
by LovinMyLife
Wow I really liked this poem. it was very well written! amazing! |
by Rona
Sad, but very true. Nothing is harder than losing a loved one. Everything stays the same but that one person's absence ='( |
by Rachel RTVW
Beautifully penned sad write. Well done! |
by Faith Davis
The feelings and happenings which you described in this poem are spot on. I could definitely relate to this. Nice work. |
by Jenni
This poem is so true. It's very sad, and it reminds me of someone. very good write. 5/5 |
by Tara Kay
Something many of us can relate to, you expressed everything we feel perfectly. |
You did an amazing job. I am sure many can relate to this. The flow was good, and the emotion within was great. |
by Curry
I love your poems! you are definelty being added to my favorites! |
Wow! i really really like this poem. great job |
This poem is very good but sad, loved the flow, only thing i could see is a few grammer mistakes, add commas and capitalize the title. still a 5/5!!! |
by N J Thornton
Sad write. I think it describes the saddness of loosing a loved one quite well. |