The sounds from confusion

by Nicole   Jan 4, 2007

A knot in my stomach that reaches up to my chest. endless tears hidden behind these eyes.
a smile to fool the world

no one sees the truth in this girl
they are too easily fooled.
anyone asking how she is always hears I'm ok no one questioning her response.

no longer are the scars seen they are long forgotten to all but my mind even when new ones appear no one sees them

no one knows how much i miss him.
but maybe i shouldn't miss him anyway...but my heart isn't cold quite the opposite its warm and its in pain

no longer able to forget my pain i cry every night just to fall asleep
fearful that I'm being used by those i love, is that all I'm worth to them

i love him and miss him more than words can say, and so does another girl i know. maybe when he is back they will both forget about me or at least that is how my mind plays heart opposes my mind yet which is right

once long ago i ignored my heart and listened to the reason in my head. but it never made a difference i was always at indecision

days go by and i seem to accumulate more sadness every day. maybe its best to ignore every feeling so i am no longer hurt


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  • 17 years ago

    by MorbidCupcake

    *no one knows how much i miss him.
    but maybe i shouldn't miss him anyway...but my heart isn't cold quite the opposite its warm and its in pain*

    Thats the best verse I have ever read, its like you know exactky what I want to say!
    5/5 AU-SOME!

  • 17 years ago

    by Freddie

    Easier said than xone, dhard 2 ignore feelings. great thought tho...wish it was possible! luved this peice of work 2..ewrll done!