It was a great party and the music was great.
The food was divine and we each had a plate.
Some people came in early and some came late.
Nobody danced but instead we would just wait.
And then the disambiguation dancers came.
We were happy; We had heard of their fame.
We knew each one; We knew them by name.
And then came the excuses; Some were lame.
Come dance with us they cried but we sat.
We are OK; You dance while we just chat.
We like watching you; Dancing like that.
You are the dancers; We came to get fat.
We would watch them; Watch them swirl.
First the boy would dance and then the girl.
Then together they danced in a big whirl.
He would spin and then she would twirl.
We heard the music and the band played.
Such grandeur and happiness displayed.
Like wallflowers we were all disarrayed.
We loved what the dancers portrayed.