
by andria   Jan 4, 2007

Now I've got scars
up and down my wrist
but all I've got to say
is only this!

i get the idea
every once and a while
but nothing defeat
all those beautiful smiles.

thank you daddy for
saving me that horrible day
i needed you in every little way

and now i pray everyday

thank you again
for standing above me
and saving me that very day

you directed me
in a path i needed to be

i now know how much
they really did care
they all told me
they were so scared

i don't know why i tried
i am so very lucky
to still be alive
i almost died that scary day
it hurt so bad to see
everybody's face that way

there was no harm meant
to anyone
I'm sorry everybody for
what I've done

i have one last thing
to say to him
thank you daddy
for making me grin!


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  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Wow! That was an amazing poem! I loved it! Okay, about the comment you left me. Please, please, please eat. I have been fighting what I am going through for about two years now and this is only the beginning. It just started with making myself throw up. But after about almost a week, I just couldn't stop it. I would throw up after eating even one chip. A few months later I started lossing my hair. By the time I was 15 I was about one hundred pounds. My bones were showing like crazy and I would wear baggie clothes to hide them. I was suicidal at the time too. And that wasn't healthy eather. I am still suicidal and I am still trying to keep anything I eat down. I'm only telling you this cuz when I was 14 (when it started) My plain was to just not eat at all. Then when I started eating my stomach wasn't use to food in it anymore....and that's when the throwing up started. I'm sorry this is so long. I just want you to know all the pain you go through. I went through it and I know other people still do. And if I can stop you, so you don't have to suffer...I will! So please eat...okay. I'm here for you!

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