BeHiNd HeR SmIle

by aisyned   Jan 4, 2007

Her smile hides her frown,
it hides her pain inside,
no one knows,
the pain she continues to hide,

in her room,
crying her tears,
covering up holding her teddy,
trying to escape the fears,

she says she isn't pretty,
she hates her natural blonde highlights with brown hair,
at school and at home,
the fighting she can't bare,

she lies to her friends,
even her parents,
she wont tell them she is sad,
she wont even give them hints,

surrounded by four walls,
holding all her pain,
her beautiful blue eyes as clouds,
that let her tears pour like rain,

no boyfriend,
everyone to her is cruel,
she is so young,
so is a teenage girl,

she doesn't cut,
she just squeezes her wrists,
her hands red,
formed in fists,

but her smiles hides everything,
hides her lies,
hides her pain,
with her smile you can't tell she cries...........

by,densyia Chapman-madden


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Just Lisa

    Well written.. i can relate! I liked this one too! Good job :0)!
    *Just Lisa*

  • 18 years ago

    by aisyned

    Yea ok myabe i llike the words hide and pain andthats wat i wrote down,thanks for u comment

  • 18 years ago

    by disturbed one

    Ooh i like it! the first verse is kind of repetitive has the words hide and pain too many times...try not to repeat a word in a verse...but overall its pretty good

  • 18 years ago

    by aisyned

    Thank you!

  • 18 years ago

    by deborah

    I love it!!