My Best Friend.

by Paige   Jan 5, 2007

I reach down by my side
the place you always were
I look around, I call your name
until I remember

It was not too long ago
that you fought your final fight
you struggled to hold your last breath in
as I held you tight.

"Its Ok" I whispered
softly in your ears
it was hard to say much else
while swallowing back my tears

"Its OK\" said the vet
"Everybody cries"
then with every drop she injected
I saw light leave your eyes.

Through tears I said "I love you"
And managed to call your name
But you did not perk up your ears
Or look at me the same.

You did not look at me at all
But your stare pierced my heart
For I knew what that look meant
We'd forever be apart.

Now I know we'll meet again one day
This is not the end
Because you were not just my doggy
You were my best friend.

**Dedicated to my dog.... ='( I can't even remember a day without her. I got her when I was 4....and I had her for 12 years. she was an Aussie....and she was my sister!! she had her own twin-sized bed in my room and everything...Im soooo upset. I sleep with her brushes and toys and leash and stuff and a picture of her is my pillowcase....I cry myself to sleep every night. I dont know what to do.... ='(


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  • 18 years ago

    by hannah morgan

    I can relate exactly to how you feel i lost my dog about almost 9 months ago and the house felt so empty even with my other dog he was my best frend n helped me throuh the loss of some very dear friends and when the worst left he wasnt there because it was him, check out my poem also called my best friend its about him xxxx keep ya head u it gets easier as time goes by altho u wil neva replace them the memores are there n plant a tree in memory of ya dog i hav n wen im upset i go vsit the tree n his favourite spot xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by kate

    Heyy, i cant imagine wat it must be like to lose your best friend .. my dog is only 3, but he is the best friend i could ever ask for, so i dont know what your going throu, but i know wat its like to have a non-human bestfriend ! Feel Better Soon ..