We Made It (For Best Girl Friends)

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Jan 5, 2007

We made it through nights
Of never-ending pain,
We made it through fights
That had no body to blame...

We made so many memories,
Ones that i will never forget,
We made so many enemies,
But never made one regret

We are best friends,
You're my little sister i never had...
Through the breaks and bends,
You remind me that life isn't so bad...

When I want to give up
And walk away from this place,
You make me stay tough
And handle everything I NEED to face!

We broke so many laws
And so many rules...
Yeah, we have many flaws
And I'm sure people call us fools

We don't act normal at all,
We don't listen to what people say...
If they say stand, we fall...
But we're always together so it's OK

This is what wakes me up every day
The thought of our craziness...
In every single way,
You give me so much happiness!

We're never going to die,
We're going to stay alive forever...
We'll spend nights when we MUST sit and cry,
And we'll spend nights that we party together!

I'd never change a thing about us,
Because we are UNIQUE!
We do things nobody ever does,
Plus, we don't care what they think!

We'll make it through our teen years,
We'll become desperate housewives...
We'll conquer so many screwed up fears
But we'll always be in each other's lives...


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  • 18 years ago

    by geovanna

    GGood JOB!!

  • 18 years ago

    by geovanna

    This is a very good poem its all very true bcuz me n ma best friend are lke da we never give up no matter wat and well always be together 4 life its very good kkep on writing and one day u will acomplish something!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephanie

    I really liked this one, cuz I can really relate. Good job. Ill keep reading
    * Stephanie *

  • 18 years ago

    by alone in the crowd

    Wonderful write! i have one of those friends! that you can go to whenever! so this poem really touched me! please keep up the good work!!! 5/5
