Lebanon ...war, pain and blood !

by Mariana Kabbout   Jan 5, 2007

Today , the earth is crying and the clouds are full of tears
The black fume is carrying with it towards stars too heavy sadness
The pain is diging so deep in the childrens eyes without fault
Please God , listen to their sighs and give them a little happiness !

The ruins lied everywhere around ....just long sighs and screams
Hearing around how to implore the sky to stop this pain ...
A lot of blood flowing on asphalt from crushed bodies
Which have gone so soon without the chance to smile again

Everything around is a fire and burning on the stake of death
I'm asking myself what kind of soul makes so many crimes ...
But I've found no words and the only answer is the quitness
Which made me repeat my question for thousand times ...

The bombs are falling and the bullets are whistling in the wind
Hey, crazy people , in this world we can live together so well ... !
Now leave the guns down , enough you've fed them with fire
For all what you have destroyed , you will be burn in hell !

If you have children , I'll pray that you never know what pain is
When looking for them under houses which fell on them yesterday
Maybe most people are lucky if they'll escape and run
Because from the little they had , nothing remaind today

A lost child , with his legs bleeding asking about his mother
He doesn't know that she has died ... and he's still calling her
How can I tell him that tomorrow everything will be fine ?
Please God , give him a new life to forget he had ever suffer !!

The angels are crying too for the pity of this innocent people
Assassins , why you've destroyed what others raised yesterday ?
When you will leave this life , all the ways to be closed in the darkness
To ask forgivness from all whom you are killing today ...

Just a patch of sky remaind from Lebanon ...only a few eyes are still watching it
With hopes for a peaceful life .... and nothing more ....
Please , my God , have pity and send them bright days !
I know that You are listening to me , that's why I'm sending my prayers to You ...
And tomorrow , on this rebel land the sun will rise again .....
.... like never before ...

Mariana Eftimie Kabbout


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  • 18 years ago

    by gabriel

    War and strife..definitely a hindrance to life.

    nice =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    This is a very sad poem!
    it reminds me of the war we had last year... it was a very bad year...
    but i'm glad everything came back to normal... till now... and we hope everything would be great...

  • 18 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    Again I can say without a doubt that i love your works.. Nice words and great spirit. I like your style for over again and again I can read them.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is one of the saddest poems I have ever read. I cry with you. The ways of this world I will never understand. I will pray for all those who are suffering.