Done With Living

by Alicia   Jan 6, 2007

Her blood leaves her veins.
Pouring out, drying up.

Didn't you even see her chains?
Pulling back, holding down.

Look as her life begins to wane.
Light fades, shadows consume.

Her eyes, are they even sane?
Darkness rises, numbness comes.

Red is pooling on the floor.
Staining crimson, dying life force.

She just couldn't take life anymore.
Giving up, turning in.

Her heart was so sore.
Broken emotions, bruised spirit.

It ached right to her very core.
Loneliness spread, loveless body.

She's fading fast, as we speak.
Black covers, speedy release.

How could you every thought of her as weak?
Insults abound, shell cracks.

One tear do her eyes leak.
Drop of pain, cleansing water.

She is nothing more to seek.
Life drains, breath stills.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Destinys Pain

    That was an awesome poem, i felt the emotions behind this work of art, it was full of sorrow but beautiful. keep up the good work.
    sm:)e always.

  • 18 years ago

    by Moon Princess

    +.+ I think you described this poem very well and I could imagine in my mind her breaking and bleeding. Beautiful. TaTa +.+