Journey to the red rose

by kiara   Jan 6, 2007

The tides are changing
The beginning has reached the end
There no longer is any childhood songs to sing
So with a tearful sigh she decides to follow the new trend
Letting go of her bag of fairy dust
Knowing that she shall never never fly again
And that santa was just a childhood lust
She hops on the train leaving teddy in the drain
As she journeys to the land of fake
Where snooty girls wore padded bras
Where ones tears could fill a lake
And where pretty girls smashed mirrors and glass
Because they believed no one would dare love them
As she journeys trying to find her red rose
She feels the pain of the blood thirsty stem
But still with her teenage longing her heart grows
Sometimes her mind wanders towards the forgotten land
Where she danced with fairies, and flew to the moon
When life was real and grand
But now the songs of her past have lost their tune
each new day she is faced with a breech of trust
and a new dream slipping away
oh what she would give to have teddy back in her arms
how they would laugh and play
someone would have to raise the alalarms
because a lost fire would burn once again
and togeather they would travel back to the begining on the train


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  • 18 years ago

    by heather

    Aww that's awesome! i love the way u word peaceful to if that makes sense. but thanks for the comment on mine! ;)

  • 18 years ago

    by David

    Well thats ok if your ok now. but if you ever need anyone just tell me. i'll be there for you.

    this is a very clever poem, i need to write on bout something like this.... hmmmmm maybe i will. you gave me an idea.

    5. excellent. and when i comment i also vote on the poem. not just leave it like some ppl. like how you have more comments than votes. thats whack!


  • 18 years ago

    by Stacey

    Sounds much better now. well done on a great poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by Stacey

    It feels unfinished, like you meant to keep writing, but your flow stopped. or you meant to do it later and you couldnt. i think it needs another few lines because an abrupt ending like that doesnt complement your magnificent writing style, or th eperfect flow :)