Wonder If he loves me!

by true lover   Jan 6, 2007

When you sit next to the girl in the front row my heart gets crushed by a sledge hammer.

All I want to do is email u all day after school but you have no idea how I feel.

When you pass me in the hall I just want to say something, something you would never forget.

In all my classes I can't help concentrating on you instead of the lesson.

When a ANOTHER girl sits by you jealousy rushes over me.

I wish you would just tell how you feel so i wouldn't have a constant wonder.

I love you but the real question is do u love me back???


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kelso

    Great poem i know how you fell about liking some one and not knowing if they like you back. 5/5. Thank you sooo much for the comments and you also have amazing talent. thank you again. take care.

  • 18 years ago

    by lovely

    Truthful and bitter sweet. i enjoy reading it. i rate it 5/5