Porcelian tears

by e LIZ a beth   Jan 6, 2007

She wakes up early In the day
Gets dressed and does her hair
She glances into the mirror
Pondering why life isnt fair

She takes out her make-up kit
And sets it to the side
Adds on a layer of cover up
In this process she will hide

Mascara goes on her lashes
And Eyeliner on her eyes
As the fake smile fades
She lets out little sighs

She pulls out the blush brush
And bronzes her rosy cheeks
All this happens everyday
Its been going on for weeks

Last she'll put on lip gloss
As a finishing touch
she looks into the mirror
And sees she tries to much

She'll go to school with other kids
Who look the same as she
Remembering the happy times
The way she used to be

Materialistic matter
Fills her soul with hate
So in the night when no ones there
Porcelain tears will break


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by just*some*gurl

    I can totally relate. i luv the breaking of the tears at the end. amazingly written 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni

    Great poem. the descrpitions were great and your writing has once again amazed me. keep up the great work!! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    WOWWW. AMAZING! HOnestly, that was so beautiful.

    & Very real, for a lot of people.. I can deffinitley relate to it.

    It was so sad.. but so beautiful at the same time. ;[ I really loved it. Seriously. AHHH. E f f i n' amazing, girl..

    I adored the last stanza. -PERFECT- ending.


  • 18 years ago

    by shawn

    Great poem, being a male i stile applaud your work. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    I liked the idea of "porcelin tears" to portray her made-up face. You went through the process of covering up with make up quite well, showing what each part symbolised.
    When you said in the fourth stanza that it's been going on for weeks, did you mean the feeling make up is a cover up or she's only been putting make up on for a few weeks?
    It just seemed a little odd to say she's only been wearing make up for a matter of weeks...or was this just said to rhyme with "cheeks" - forced rhyme isn't good.
    I've noticed a couple of times in here and in your poem "underneath her skin" (although I forgot to mention it in that comment,) that when you have conjunctions between words such as "is not" and "it is" you forget to add the apostrophe...just thought you may want to correct that.
    Thanks for sharing.