Letter of Goodbye*Mandz

by Mandz and Aly   Jan 7, 2007

Today I write my good-bye letter
And hopefully go somewhere better
No one wants me here
They let me drown in my own tears
Now I'm six feet under my head lay at rest
But now my choice was not the best
I see all my friends cry below
And all of them saying, "Why did she go?"
Why did i make this awful mistake
Now my friends must live in horrible disgrace
I said my good-byes I told them I was going to die
But they all told me i wouldn't say good-bye
The truth has now come out
They were wrong without a doubt
Inside i was torn completely apart
And left to die with a broken heart
To die at 14 is hard to bare
But only if someone cared
I'd still be here to love
And live not below but above
This could be the future for you and me
But someone found the missing key
I'll give life just one more try
And hope the days keep going by
Now maybe I can sort things out
Fix mistakes and have no doubt
For having life is the best thing
To hear the song that life will sing
My father and my angels please help me
To let my sins be let free
To help me from doing wrong
And help my life to live long


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  • 18 years ago

    by David

    Wat i suggest is you put a para or two in some of your poems. cause some ppl get discouraged when they just see a big slab of writing.

    i loved this. it had lots of feelings. its sad tho. i voted and gave you a 5! good job.
