What is Happening??*Mandz

by Mandz and Aly   Jan 7, 2007

Life's taking its course
And I just happen to be getting worse
But as long as you are here
I'm not going anywhere
I just wanted to say I love you
And I'm sorry for everything you have gone through
My sadness is getting stronger
It's hard, but I can't hold on any longer
Depression has got the best of me
The chains I'm in won't let me free
My heart just keeps on hurting
And people say I'm just learning
But four years of learning is way to long
My life has been like a heart breaking song
Of all the tears I have shed
Of all the days I wish i were dead
All the days I wished I died in bed
All the thoughts running through my head
For you, life is just beginning
For a happy human being
But for when I die
Don't mourn or cry
You know I love you and I care
But I'm sorry the pain is just to hard to bare
But when I'm in a happy place
I will. trust me, I will have a real smile on my face
Just don't make the mistake I will
Because for me it will just kill
Crying, hurting and my sad ending
For my life is not mending
Yes, I know this is severe
But this has been my biggest fear
Life and death have balanced out
But it seems like death is winning without doubt
Yeah i know its scary, for me too
But you don't know half the stuff I have gone through
The breakdowns you have seen
Ya me too, they've made a big scene
They are bad, they put me in tears
And the end seemed so near
The scary part is I've gone through those alone
In what people call their safe place my home
I sit in the corner and cry till no end
But when people start to hear my live their hearts start to bend
My life ends with a slow painful good-bye
But promise me you won't be sad and cry
Think of all the happy times
And hopefully this won't be my last rhyme


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  • 18 years ago

    by Carley

    Love the poem. i like how u separated the stanza's too. sweetness