Comments : Walks Away.

  • 18 years ago

    by Raychil

    Beautiful...I hope this isn't something that happened to you, it's a hard thing to go through. Your poem was beautiful, one of your best...I can relate and I loved reading it. 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    Wow, Hunny. This was absolutley beautiful. It was such a sad story.. But, wow. It is very breathtaking. It flowed so flawlessly & the rhymes were great. They didn't seem forced AT ALL.

    A waterfall of tears
    cascades from her eyes
    as the last leaf falls
    and the moon light dies.

    As promises crumbled
    And lies were shared
    As hearts beat faster
    and eyes were scared

    ^ These two stanzas; amazing.. Honestly. I loved the use of personification. It makes the poem so much better.

    their future is gone,
    and ripped at the seems
    buried with memories
    pictures and dreams.

    ^ I loved this stanza. I can totally relate to it.. & it was so beautiful.

    Amazingly beautifully penned, dear.

    I adored it.

    Bri [x]