Wasnt It Easier?

by megan   Jan 7, 2007

Wasnt life so much easier as a child?
Everything seemed so simple.
Our worst fears were of what lived under the bed at night.
The worst trouble we would get into was a time out for snatching cookies from the cookie jar.

Our imaginations would run wild
We would think of the tooth fairy every time we lost a tooth,
We would be good all year so that Santa would bring us something amazing.
We would look for eggs that the Easter bunny hid from us.

We could stack blocks all day for a source of entertainment
We would capture little bugs in containers and study them closely
Making your parents proud was as easy as drawing a house and stick figures

A full days itinerary would consist of riding bikes all day,
Blowing bubbles with your best friends,
Playing with little plastic figurines
Playing jump rope and making ridiculous rhymes for every jump

Wasnt life easier when a band-aid could fix everything?
Or when saying sorry was the magic medicine to hurting someones feelings
When the news wasnt always about who got murdered, what got robbed, who got stabbed, who got shot, who got kidnapped, ridiculous things parents think their children are doing, what drugs to watch out for, ways to stop your children from drinking before they start?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsea

    Life was a lot easier. I like the nostalgia.