Once In A LifeTime Type of Guy

by bethany   Jan 7, 2007

It seems as though
all guys are the same
they seem to enjoy every
girls sorrow and pain.
They seem to get crueler
as years go by.
There has to be at least
one good guy.
One that will be
by your side.
Will never ever lie,
will love you even
as years go by
They'll never let you go.
They'll be a once in a life time
type of guy.
He'll never break your heart.
He'll be true from the start.
He'll never let you cry happy tears and never will he treat you like dirt.
He'll only make you cry happy tears
and he'll take away all your fears.
He'll remember every important date
He'll deal with any mistakes you or him make.
most of all he'll always be true
and will always say " I love you"


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~Ashley Danielle~

    WOW!!!!!! ummm just ya that was like i could hhave wrote it but yo an tell it came form the heart i no that feeling and i have one of those once in a life tyme guy lol later ashley danielle

  • 18 years ago

    by Bethany

    That was great. i wish i had as much tallent as you:') 5/5