If you still love him

by true lover   Jan 8, 2007

If you still love a boy and he loves you back but your friends want you to break up with him don't cause you will regret it cause he might move on and accept that he THINKS you don't feel for him anymore but you will still feel for him and you will regret what you did!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle

    Dont do wut any1 else wants.. do wut u think is right.. and if ur friends dont like it..then maybe they arent ur true frends!!

    good job tho lol

    and i saw ur comment on my poem sorry it took to long to get back check out all my new ones..-)

  • 18 years ago

    by daretolive

    He sorry to hear.. To me a note is the worste way togo, and by hearin it from someone else.