Our loss

by Jade Shadow Rose   Jan 8, 2007

Forgotten, our love from their eyes.
They didn't understand.....
Their fear drove us apart.
It was not fair,
And neither is the pain they caused.
But they continue like nothing.
They know nothing.
Nothing of our pain, our torment.
Nothing of our loss.....
Driven from feeling, I live.
And as I live I decay slowly,
day by day, fallen from happiness.
The life given to me,
Sitting there patiently,
Until I live fully again.
But until then,
Our loss is always there,
Constantly hurting, never ending....
But the ache has died down,
And I begin to live again, slowly....
I only hope for you to do the same.


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  • 18 years ago

    by ShadowedEyesLie

    I love how your words sweep across my mind like magic soothing my scars even if its a sad poem. Im so sorry that stuff has happened to you like that. I hope that you'll fully heal and your lost one(s) do the same. I would hate to be driven out of the relationship Im in.

  • 18 years ago

    by aisyned

    Aww i cried too!! so say!! *wipes tear away* so emotional!

  • 18 years ago

    by lala

    Strong emotions, I like it! ^^

    it made me cry *sniff*