It's okay

by Tamsin   Jan 8, 2007

Please don't cry
This life just wasn't for me
I longed to fly
But my wings were clipped
I just wanted to be free

Crushed under the weight of expectation
A life of falling short
I yearned for salvation
I hungered for love
I drowned in pleading thought

I know you don't understand
I'm sorry if you're aching
I needed a hand
Suffocating from life
I couldn't keep on faking

Free from all ties
I no longer need to flee
Free from the lies
I'm finally content
This is where I needed to be...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Cattiebrie

    I think any poem that makes one feel, and think is a good poem, and this conjures up many feelings for me.. well done

  • 18 years ago

    by Cattiebrie

    I think any poem that makes one feel, and think is a good poem, and this conjures up many feelings for me.. well done

  • 18 years ago

    by Naerwen

    The concept and the imagery on first stanza, the way it was written was capitvating, the idea to fly from a suffocating reality. The ending was a lift to the sorrow felt, a resolution, to find peace, it illuminates the prospect of it being possible to break free. Well Done.


  • 18 years ago

    by kida

    Hey i reALLY like this poem as well. um, i hope u dont think i was upset im glad u like my poem and dont think it needs rewording but i honestly do a[ppreciate constructive critisim i want to make my work as good as it can be. also i don't think its good 4 ur teacher to draw on ur painting!!!:)

  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsea

    This poem is amazing, it has a lot of emotion in it. keep the great work up =D


    ps. thanks for the sweet comment