Comments : Trying Not To Fall

  • 17 years ago

    by Robyn

    This is a really great poem hun i know just how u feel this love thing is crazy just by its self but u put in the distance and its crazy crazy .. i feel like that to like wat if this is all just a lie what am for i am just a pon and his just playing with me? its hard becuase how can we ever be really sure? i guess the only way is to meet and see if its all true or one big lie ...
    talk soon
    robyn xoxo take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    "Her heart says she loves him
    With all her might and soul
    Just being in the same room as him
    Makes her lose total control"

    I think so many people would be able to relate to this stanza.. to this whole poem. I know i could..
    Your words were excellent, they really got the emotion of the poem through to the reader..
    Brilliant my dear

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is a beautiful poem Lyndsay. You emotion is felt very strongly by the reader. I can understand the uncertainess of what you are feeling. I hope everything works itself out. Take Care Cindy

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    =] Partly because I really am going through these feelings now and they are a little bit scary to me at times. The poem was perfection and couldn't get better. Wonderful job hun, keep it up!
