Best Friend ..

by kate   Jan 9, 2007

She sits on her bed,
a drop of blood falling from her bruised figure.
Her heart shattered
The horrid feeling of emptiness
taking over her body and soul
sucking away her life
she was in love
and so was he
they where so close yet so far
the best of friends
but now its gone
he hates her.
Her hand shaking as she presses the blade to her skin
wishing every thing could go back
she drop's the blade
the hollow sound of it hitting the floor
echoing through her mind
Blood staining the white tiles
falling back onto her bed
she closes her eyes
taking in her last breath
shes gone....
He opens the door
seeing the blood stains on floor
he runs over to her bed
sobbing bitterly over her crippled body
He picks the blade up of the floor
wishing they never had that fight
he holds her hand
Pushing the blade deep into his own wrist
slowly falling next to her
his head hitting the soft feeling of the pillow
His body torn
and his heart broken
best friends are meant to be forever
So now they are
Together Forever


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is a very sad poem. Well written but very sad. Good job!

  • 18 years ago

    by kiara

    Very tragical, i hate fighting with my best friend but i cant help it