Why Can't I Forget Him

by bethany   Jan 10, 2007

Why can't I forget him
He's always on my brain.
why can't I forget him
Its driving me insane.
why can't I forget him
He put me through this pain.
why can't I forget him
he's just another boy.
why can't I forget him
he brings me so much joy.
why can't I forget him
I always ask myself
I'm drawn to him like dust
to a shelf.
why can't I forget him
he's just playing games.
ever since I met him
nothings been the same.
He never waves hi
or even call my name.
He keeps making me want him more
I need to just walk out the door.
He's the reason for these tears.
He's the one I wanted all these years.
He's nothing but a player
some one who likes to play hared to get.
so why can't I forget him
He has so much sin.
He doesn't like to talk anymore
well thats OK
I'm gonna try to walk out that door.
so why can't I forget him
after all he's done to me.
I need to just get up and leave.


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  • 18 years ago

    by TiMe hEaLs aLL wOuNdS

    This was a great poem and u can tell its coming from the heart BUT it rhymes wayyyy to quickly....u have to add more in between the lines so it sounds a lil better....im only saying this 2 help u not 2 embarress u i promise:-) well ill give u 5/5 cuz i no u tried!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by XxMoonLightxX

    Try adding on to it... this could turn out to be even more than awesome!

  • 18 years ago

    by bethany

    Hey thanks I try to

  • 18 years ago

    by Bethany M

    Good poem....i like it...but then again i always feel like that lately...5/5...read mine if you get a chance