Make You Mine

by bethany   Jan 10, 2007

I want to talk to you
but I don't know what to say
I want to be there for you
to tell you every things gonna be OK.
I want to hold you
and never let you go.
I can't explain this feeling inside
but I can no longer deny
how I feel about you
Its so hard to describe.
My love for you is as true as can be
no one can change my mind not even me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~Ashley Danielle~

    I resently wrote sumthing simalur to the boy im datin now im like in love with him and i no he is too w/me lol but ya this good il lie it alot and you do a good job 5/5 later ashley danielle

  • 18 years ago

    by Bethany M

    This is a good poem for those with a guy they never want to loose....i give it a 5/5...keep up the good work