No-where to go

by Leanne   Jan 10, 2007

Abandoned and confused
Walking all alone
He starts to wonder
Where he can call home

It starts to get cold
He feels the rain on his cheeks
He's been wandering for hours
Yet to him it feels like weeks

Reaching into his pockets
He pulls out his loose change
His stomach aches with hunger
Everything seems strange

Winter creeps in slowly
The cold too much to bare
No place to use for shelter
How can this be fair?

Sat quivering in the doorway
Longing for a bed
A tear rolls down his face
As he wishes he was dead.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Noelle Wright

    ='( this poem reminds me of my uncle he lost all his kids to a fire on his birthday about 10 years ago he has no REAL place to call home he kinda just wonders around this poem is sad but in a good way nice work


  • 18 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    Wow. Miscellaneous eh? Couldn't choose where to put it.. I think either life, society or sadness, depression. You did a great job on this. You put so much discription in it I could see it all in my head. You flow was perfect. I didn't find anything that jumped. Your rhyming was wonderful, nothing seemed forced. You did a wonderful job on this.

    Great Write


    P.S. Thanks for the comment :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I like this one...similar to mine yet also different.
    I think the flow is go0o0od on this one!