Sitting in fear

by Leanne   Jan 10, 2007

Somebody is watching
Thats the feeling I get
As I sit in the corner
I begin to fret

A chill down my spine
My hands start to shake
I hope this is a nightmare
From which I will awake

I close my eyes tight
As I quietly chant a prayer
Hearts beating faster now
I can sense there's someone there

My body starts to tremble
Tears begin to flow
How I wish I had the courage
To just get up and go

Footsteps getting louder
Almost at my door
How can I be so terrified
Of someone I should adore?

He used to be so gentle
Generous, caring and kind
His behaviours become erratic
To this room I am confined

The handle starts to turn
This is when it starts
The bruises he will give me
Are his form of art

Standing in the doorway
An evil glint in his eye
He reaches for his belt
I curl up and hope to die

Each whip burns like fire
As I whimper he smiles
How did it come to this?
Being treated so vile

My head is pulled back
As he grabs me by the hair
Throws me on the bed
And gives a sinister glare

Hoping this is the end
As he turns and walks away
But I know he will be back
As this happens everyday.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Though this was long, you really grabbed my attention.again, loved the detailing. you really painted a picture. amazing. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by ~*Flying high*~

    WOW!!! i LOVE it!! its so intense and it has a GREAT flow! WOW! lol 5/5 without a doubt

  • 18 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Wonderful, just like all of your poetry. I love it all, you are very talented, keep up the amazing work.

    Peace, Joe

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni

    Great write. from the beginning i was unsure what it was about, but as i read further, I enjoyed it more. the words you used were amazing. keep up the great work [:

  • My life can realate to this