Comments : Abortion

  • 18 years ago

    by sarah

    This poem made me cry 5/5 i guess its because recently i had an abortion an i hav regreted it since i jst hope ppl who r planning 2 hav an abortion can read this 1st maybe stop them frm making the biggest mistake of ther life as i hav dn x

  • 18 years ago

    by April Chapleau

    Aww...this is so sad..but its really lost in words..

  • 17 years ago

    by true secret emo

    You r such a good writer

  • 17 years ago

    by vagymnast

    This is pretty sad. i try not to think about the decision i made because i know it was best. but i also wish i hadnt gotten myself in the situation in the first place...

  • 17 years ago

    by felicia

    Well its not that anyone truly tried to get themselves into the sisution or anything..but everyone is right it is murder and it is wrong but there are surtin choises that women have to make and that involves very proud of everyone that wrote thankful and happy and glad that you both had the guts to tell that to me ...i was on another poem site and no one confessed and came out like you both...

    more poems to come
