
by MidnightKisses   Jan 11, 2007

Where were you when I needed you the most? Did you forget that I love you? Did you forget it was our anniversary? Is it a sign for you ending it? God, I hope not. I made a candle light dinner and it was a total waste since you didn't come. I blew out the candles and ran to my room, locked the doors, and turned on the cold water to my shower. I stripped naked and hopped in the shower, took a cold shower. Got out and sat on my bed till I turned blue, I took some pills and I snuggled under my blankets. The only thing I remember is waking up in the hospital, hearing your voice calling my name. As I shut my eyes again, last night came rushing back to me. Where were you last night? All I know I need to feel the warmth of your touch. I look up at you and see you smiling, makes me wonder if you're just faking it. The only let down of you is the memory of last night that you should've been with me. I sit up in my bed, smiling and I look what you have behind your back. You pull them from behind and gave me a dozen of roses with a card stated " Sorry about last night. I Love You Very Much. " Tears swell my eyes and forgetting how much hurt you put me in. Love conquers anything. Love is very powerful feeling, don't turn your back on it.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    When he'll want me back, I'll be with his best friend.

    ---i really like this quote lol...a it is sooo true

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