W[h]iL[e] Y[o]u W[e]rE Sl[e]ep[i]Ng

by MissGem   Jan 11, 2007

I came to say hello
I kissed you on the cheek
for the millionth time i prayed
I preyed for you to speak

I sat down by your side
held on tightly to your hand
for the millionth time i prayed
you'd remember who i am

my eyes never left you
as I spoke about my day
every single detail
everything that passed my way

I spoke about our holiday
and all the times we had
reminded you how much i loved you
gripped tighter to your hand

for the millionth time I prayed
for you to open your eyes
but my faith never faltered
one day you would arise

and as you lay there motionless
unable to see me weeping
just a few things you missed
while you were sleeping.


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  • 18 years ago

    by BrokenxLaughs

    this is amazing

    you have great ways of expressing yourself =]

    keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    This is a really great poem, i love the flow and it was very emotional, you did an excellent job 5/5 check some of my stuff I think you'll like it

  • 18 years ago

    by The Nameless Poet

    Hola mamitá, cómo está todo? awww that was a sad poem,but este poema es mucha with a lotta emotion to it. i hope tu amigo gets better. 5/5,any ways bien hecho mamita, hasta lueguito.