To You

by jenny   Jan 11, 2007

I will always remember
the look in your eyes
when you said those three words
when you pressed you lips to mine
when you held me as i cried
Whispered sweet lullaby's
told me i was beautiful
when we became one
those late nights on the phone
the smile your face held when i entered a room
the way you held my hand as if it were holding you from floating away
the laughs
the smiles
the tears
And the fights
when you screamed
when you cried
and the way you said good bye
how you broke my heart
killed my self esteem
the nasty note and word you sent to me after
how you tried to pay a girl to hold your hand just to make me hurt
how you chose drugs over me
and my two best friend
how i came third
but mostly I'll remember
the lies that you told....

...always and forever... one and only...


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  • 18 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Wow, this is deep hun very deep, i loved it, in fact immah goh back up and read it again, you are a great writer, keep on writing, and take care, ps. thanks for commenting on mine, byee