by David Jan 11, 2007
category :
Dark, fantasy /
I am sorry. this will not rhyme. this is not a poem. these are my thoughts. |
by Mousie
Wow, who cares if it's not a poem great job! really a wonderful write 5/5 |
by heather
I kno this doesnt ryme but i loooove ur thoughts! ahhhh! idk why someone would do that but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep posting poems! i love reading them! ur too cant quit now. |
by Hebe
Don't stop writing. Maybe that one person doesn't like your poems. But that doesn't count for all of us!.. Most people love your poems as far as I can see. So please keep writing for those who like them, including myself. |
by Static
Dave i wont repeat wat everyone that loves ur writing (as do i) has said. U have som many ppl in ur support one person cant ruin it. I know that and im sure deep down you do too. Be strong dave no one can take u down to their level ur too strong for that. Keep it up and thx everyone for supporting dave. Dave's poems foreva woo! |
by Marjan
Keep standing tall! :) |