Give me a tissue and a pillow

by Chelsey   Jan 11, 2007

Sometimes I'd like to go to heaven now
Forget the world and say I'm done
Just walk into the Pearly Gates
And fall in the arms of my God and his son

Because it seems the world has lost its spirit
I'm fighting for nothing anymore
No one cares about your feelings
No one cares about your wounds or sores

I'm tired
I'm weary
I'm hurt
I'm brused

I'm mentally
And spiritually abused

Sometimes I wish I was Adam or Eve
I wish I was in the Garden of Eden
I'd never eat the fruit off the tree
I'd give everyone something to believe in

But instead I'm just a girl whose all alone
Who wishes she had family or a friend
Who can make things better or give her a hug
Or have all the time in the world to lend

I'm crushed
I'm hopeless
I'm sorry
I'm done

I hate it
I regret it
Dont want to say
The devil won

No therapist or pyschiatrists can help
They'll play with my emotions, screw up my state of mind
I'll bottle up my feelings and throw them to sea
I can do without your lectures, I'll be just fine

I refuse
I decline
I say no
To help

Give me a pillow
A tissue
And I'll get through
By myself


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  • 17 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    I especially liked this poem. Very well done. 5/5. Now I know why you have a Top FAvorites award. Keep the amazing poems up!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    Oh Chels dear heart this is such a sad write but you have pinned down the emotions and feelings so well.

    Warmest regards,


  • 17 years ago

    by dora

    Hey hun a very touching piece. lot of emotion comn thourhg. i liked its structure. very powerful lines xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Cuddles

    Chelsey, this is superb. The rhythm is a little off, but I love the poem and the way it is written. The words of a broken and almost defeated soul. Keep fighting. Keep writing.

  • 17 years ago

    by xFadedxForeverx

    Wow that is an awesome poem. Are you christain? I didn't think there were much pp on this site who were...or believed in jesus in general! That was an awesome poem. I've never been able to write good christain poems. I hope you didn't have to go thru this but its still awesome!!