Why cant you love me?

by megann anne   Jan 12, 2007

As you walk by me
i feel my heart speed up
cant live without you
i just cant get enough of you
and i hope that you feel the same way to
cuz lately all i think about is you

i look behind me
but only to have my hopes shattered
but i cant dare tell you,
cuz i am afraid of my broken heart
i just want you all to myself
but you don't even know i exist

i scream at myself for not taking in
more of you everyday
but your the reason i get up to pray
your the reason i live and breathe.. but you don't even know me

so i look behind me again
and for once you meet my longing gaze
and for the billionth time i sit there in a daze
but suddenly you look away

i scream at myself for not taking in more of you everyday
but your the reason i get up to pray
your the reason i live and breathe
but you dont even know me

then silent tears fall to the ground my broken heart will no longer pound...
and all i want to ask you...
is, why cant you love me


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  • 18 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Oh wow, do i relate to this right now or what? lol i loved this, awesome poem darling and sorry i couldnt comment sooner i just wasnt on, thanks for your comment on mine though means a lot take care xxoo

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    I think a lot of people can relate to this, i know i can.
    You used some excellent phrases and some beautiful words
    Well done

  • 18 years ago

    by Kat

    Wow, this poem is amazing! I'm not kidding, it really is. I can relate so much and I am sure that onthers can too. Keep writing, and thanks for commenting on my poem!
