If I Was a Teenage Fairy

by The Queen of Spades   Jan 12, 2007

If I was a teenage fairy
How beautiful this world would seem
I’d soar through its vastness
And though small I would be
With greatness I would conquer
I would dazzle ordinary mortals
With my silver gleaming wings
My radiant skin glittering in the sun
Never would a frown pass over my face
Neither awkward, goofy smiles
Rather looks of composure and grace
As I would float through sylvan
Verdant with color and life
And skip, carefree, over sapphire-emerald waters
Wonder and awe would follow me
As I plunge easily through any mild obstacles
All the while my golden eyes twinkling mischievously
Brightening any barrenness or void
I would never hate, envy, disgust, insult
Neither would I love, adore, amuse, or flatter
No female would feel animosity towards me
Only be content in my everlasting presence
No male would desire or touch greedily
Only remain neutral under my gaze
I would exist as harmony and peace
If only I was a teenage fairy


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  • 17 years ago

    by David

    Remember to edit this and take out the '. it makes it hard to read otherwise. the flow is interupted. but well done anyway! keep writing plz.

    5/5 david

  • 17 years ago

    by ~*SugarCube*~

    This poem is great.
    Love your word choice.
    take care


  • 17 years ago

    by azii

    Awesome poem ! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni

    I loved this poem! The images that were created in my mind were just superb! Wonderful use of vocabulary! [I really have to stop sounding like an english teacher in comments.]


  • 17 years ago

    by David

    Remember not to have any ' in your poems. casue then other characters come on, and it wrecks the flow of writing.

    but apart from that little hick up this poem was really good to read and see wat you have to say.

    David 5/5