I say I don't cry
but that's not the truth
I do cry
and I do want you
to be there to wipe the tears away
There's something about you
I can't even begin to explain
but it makes me feel safe
and it tells me I can trust you
Whatever it is I like it
and I'm so thankful for it
because I can now see the light
that's at the end of this tunnel
I never though I'd see the day
that I'd want to wake up
I never imagined I could trust someone
as much as I do you
most of all
I have never wanted to cry
so bad in my life
but I can't let you see me crying
tears are a sign of weakness
and I don't want you to see me
and think I'm weak
I want you to think I'm strong
even though I know
I'm only strong when you are near
X..Written to a dear friend..He is my guardian angel..X