Get real

by Nina Star   Jan 12, 2007

It's an all round thing,
I'm loving her,
She's loving me,
Well that's how it's meant to be.

Little Miss [[Fake]]

But you see her fakeness it annoys me,
It tires me,
It angers me,
Because through you it's so easy to see.

Little Miss [[Fake]]

We're your friends,
You don't need to change to fit,
Be yourself,
Don't tie your self down be free.

Little Miss [[Fake]]

To fit in there no need to blend,
The real you is fine,
Just let you beautiful personality shine,
You don't want the real you to end.


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  • 17 years ago

    by LoveKeepsMeStrong

    i like this one

    you could turn it into a song
    love you

  • 17 years ago

    by YoursTruly

    Guess whooo?
    Haven't been on this website in aaages.
    Cooel poem.
    I gave it 5/5 =].
    Thinksh I know who itsh about.