Comments : For the One Who Smiled

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    This was very good! I loved your discription of everything. You did a really great job at the rhyming and the flow. Amazing job Noni I loved that last stanza the best.

    Excellent Poem


  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    You have such great emotion in all of your poems, and I love it. It adds so much to both the expression and the depth of the poem.

    Your descriptions were wonderful. They really gave me an image in my head about what you're trying to describe.

    The flow was good, but a little off in some places more than others. But no one's perfect, so I'd say you did a great job.

    I rarely ever tell you that you need to fix something in your poems. You just write so well that it's almost flawless. You should write one bad just for me. =P Lol. Keep it up. 5/5 xoxo


  • 18 years ago

    by J Lau

    Great write... Full of emotions that can only come from the heart... Love the opening... so powerful...

    "If there was ever perfection
    May the answer lie in him..."

    Only comment I have is "And such truth lie in this words" should be "And such truth lie in these words". Other then that... great write... keep up the great work! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Princess of snow

    This poem is so sweet
    I like your style of writing